Courage in Faith
Mass for the Persecuted Church and Her Faithful

Cardinal Dolan, Major Archbishop Shevchuck, and Regina Lynch

On March 10th, Aid to the Church in Need honored the suffering Christians around the world with a Solemn Mass in New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which was presided over by Cardinal Timothy Dolan in a packed cathedral.

“We are grateful this morning for this tradition of our Mass of Supplication for persecuted Christians that is coordinated by Aid to the Church in Need. A splendid initiative that brings much needed support to suffering Christians around the world. We gather in a special way to pray for those who are suffering for their Faith,” His Eminence said.

The Cardinal welcomed dignitaries Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN, Metropolitan Archbishop Borys Gudziak of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Philadelphia, as well as several members of the permanent synod of the UGCC, bishops making their first visit to the US since the Russian invasion of Ukraine two years ago.

ACN’s newly-appointed executive president, Regina Lynch, and Philipp Ozores, secretary general, represented ACN-International. Ms. Lynch, prior to the Mass, stressed that the work of ACN is needed more today than it was when the organization was first founded: “The persecutors have changed,” Lynch said, “but in this century, we still have persecution of Christians.”

In his homily – often interrupted by applause from a moved congregation – His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuck, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, said, “I express gratitude to Catholics in the US and worldwide, to His Eminence Cardinal Dolan, and to Aid to the Church in Need and for the support we experience every day. Many of our bishops and most of our priests were supported by scholarships from your donors. Among those lucky students I was one!”

Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuck

After Mass, Major Archbishop Shevchuck presented Cardinal Dolan and Ms. Lynch with framed shrapnel from an Iranian drone that had targeted his residence in Kiev, along with a traditional Ukrainian Easter egg, symbol of hope.The major archbishop left the congregation with these words: “Hope is what we all need—every human soul navigating life’s challenges and moments of despair. … Hope is what the hearts of my people long for.”

This was the third annual Mass for persecuted Christians sponsored by ACN and held each year during Lent in St. Patrick’s, with Cardinal Dolan presiding. It is part of ACN’s “Courage in Faith” initiative, which dedicates a week each Lent to the plight of the Church around the world. Aid to the Church in Need continues to support Ukraine with emergency aid through numerous ongoing projects.

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