Keeping the Faith Alive

Persecution Outlook: Cuba


For tourists, Cuba is paradise, but the majority of its 11.5 million citizens live in poverty and have few, if any, prospects. One sister says, “Most Cuban families cannot afford what is necessary for dignified life,” and the Church must work on behalf of those in need, as the Cuban government continually fails to. Sisters, for example, provide both practical and spiritual aid to the poor, as well as people with mental health and substance abuse problems. And they perform these services in a country that restricts Church activity: in Cuba, religious leaders and activists face arrest and harassment, and churches face penalties and closure. 

Projects funded in Cuba 2021: 75

Construction: 10

Transportation: 9


Mass Stipends: 14

Humanitarian: 2

Media: 1

Bibles: 2

Training of priests: 3

Existence Help: 21

Faith Formation: 13

Our Work in Cuba: Country Profile

Support the faithful in Cuba

Procession with the statue of Pope JPII
Celebration 25th anniversary_Pope JPII visit in 1998

Cuba: Papal envoy highlights Church’s work with the sick, elderly and poor

Precisely because he was a first-hand witness to that trip, Pope Francis asked that he represent him at the commemoration, which gathered faithful from all ...
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Cuba, Diocese Santa Clara, Santa Clara:

The monument of the Pope's visit to Cuba in January 1998 was inaugurated by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone in 2008.

Cuba celebrates anniversary of John Paul II’s visit amid social and economic crisis

“The witness of a man tested by pain and illness” marked a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ for Cuban Catholics.
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Cuba, diocese of La Habana September 2010
A replica of the "Virgen de la Caridad of El Cobre"  inside the Cathedral of La Habana: The Virgin next to the flag of Cuba.

Project trip of Maria Lozano

Used as i

Cuba: ‘The worst poverty is lack of freedom’

"If you raise your voice to tell the truth they will turn on you, defame you. Prison sentences have increased."
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A mural of coomunist hero Che Guevara in Havana

Catholics call for renewal of communist Cuba

“This people, many years ago, turned its back on God, and when a people turns its back on God, it cannot walk.” 
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Church of Buen Pastor de Jesus del Monte, Havana

‘Barring a miracle, we’re going to have to abandon Cuba’

"Barring a miracle, we are going to have to abandon Cuba. It would be a great tragedy, because I believe that our charism of redemption, ...
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The new church to be dedicated to St. John Paul II

The first church built on state-owned land in Havana—and dedicated to St. John Paul II—is almost a reality

"The work has been delayed by various cyclones and a hurricane, to say nothing of the tremendous difficulty in trying to get hold of the ...
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