Mass Stipends for Priests in Peru

The apostolic vicariate of Yurimaguas in Peru is largely covered by the rainforest and is home to a number of indigenous tribal groups. 

The people are very poor, and the roofs of their huts are made of palm leaves. Most of their small riverside settlements can only be reached by water. There are no roads to speak of, and medical care and education are mostly provided by missionaries. 

Roughly 270,000 Catholics live here, scattered across an area larger than that of some small European countries. To reach them, the priests must undertake long and difficult journeys, either by river boat or along the rough forest tracks.

Bishop José Maria Aristin Seco puts it like this: “The apostolic vicariate of Yurimaguas has the mission of bringing the Gospel to the indigenous peoples of the remote and small riverside communities. This is a superhuman task, for which the vicariate has just 30 priests available, working courageously to further the pastoral work of the Church among the living communities entrusted to them. As priests and pastors, they work tirelessly among our brothers and sisters, unhesitatingly helping them, regardless of the tropical heat and torrential rains. So, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you for Mass stipends to support them in this work. Your help is crucially important, and I thank you most warmly for it, since it is helping us to advance the work of evangelization here.”

We plan to send your Mass offerings in support of all 30 priests in the vicariate. 


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