Keeping the Faith Alive



In recent years, Pakistan has seen a startling increase in abduction cases, usually involving girls who are also religious minorities (e.g., Christians and Hindus). Victims are not just taken from their homes, but raped and forced into marriage and conversion. And as there is no comprehensive law against these particular crimes, perpetrators largely go unpunished, and the Church is forced to advocate where the state will not. However, this is not the extent of the country’s violence against Christians: on a regular basis, they are attacked, arrested, and denied both opportunities and needs. For example, in order to receive COVID-19 aid, Christians had to convert, meaning that even hospital workers did not have protective gear; this also applies to general emergency aid, as was the case after recent flooding. And Christians in Pakistan are largely assigned menial labor, meaning that poverty is nearly inescapable.

Projects funded in Pakistan 2021: 77

Construction: 20

Transportation: 16


Mass Stipends: 5

Humanitarian: 8

Media: 1

Bibles: 1

Training of priests: 7

Existence Help: 3

Faith Formation: 16

Our Work in Pakistan: Country Profile

Support the faithful in Pakistan

Farah reunited with her family - Pakistan

Aged just 12, Christian girl Farah Shaheen,from Faisalabad, was 
abducted, forcibly married and converted. During five months of sexual enslavement, she was shackled and forced to work 
long hours cleaning animal dung in her abductor’s yard. ....
Farah was discovered at Mr Ahmad’s house in Hafizabad, nearly 70 miles from her home.122. Her ankles were wounded where she had 
been shackled.  
(Pakistan Case Studies in Hear her cries Report UK 2021)

Church leaders applaud change to minimum marriage age in Pakistan 

A new amendment to the Christian Marriage Act says that girls and boys under the age of 18 ...
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Victims of Jaranwala - burnt houses and furniture on the street - the photo was taken by a sister of the congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul from the dioces Islamabad-Rawalpindi. They also help the vicitms of the attack.

UP to 15 church buildings have been attacked and hundreds of Christian homes destroyed after extremists went on the rampage. The incident follows an accusation of blasphemy against a Christian cleaner accused of desecrating the Qur’an and insulting the Prophet of Islam.
Mass exodus as mob burns churches and homes in Jaranwala - Pakistan, August 2023

Pakistan: Desperate plea for Christian man on death row  

The chair of the Catholic Church’s National Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan lambasted a court for ...
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Pakistan: Widow of Christian killed by mob dies

The tragedy that struck the Masih family has far-reaching consequences, disrupting the lives of many in Mujahid Colony. Families are displaced; businesses have closed; and ...
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In Pakistan, calls for ‘swift justice’ after mob kills Christian

The NJCP, a long-time project partner of ACN, also provided recommendations to the Pakistani authorities, aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future, improving law ...
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Pakistan bishop calls on international community to stop abuse of blasphemy law

Bishop Samson Shukardin of Hyderabad, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, said that Christians and other beleaguered minorities will never feel safe in ...
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Christian family attacked by angry mob in Pakistan

Although ten members of the family were able to escape, Masih was critically injured before the police arrived and removed him from the mob. He ...
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