An Educational Program for Laypeople in Bangladesh 

Almost 90 percent of the 170 million people in Bangladesh are Muslim. Christians account for just a tiny minority of well under one percent and generally belong to disadvantaged ethnic minorities.  

Such is the case in the Diocese of Rajshahi, in northern Bangladesh. There are over 20.4 million people here, 71,000 of whom are Catholic. Most of them are poor, with very few educational opportunities, and forced to toil as day laborers or small traders, or scrape a living from what little they can grow on the land. Drought and climate change are also a major problem. 

The diocese has introduced an educational program, partly to help the laity deepen their faith, and partly to give them a better understanding of their rights within society. Human rights, the climate, the strengthening of Christian values, the fight against human trafficking, the protection of children, the dignity of women, the prison ministry – all these are important issues that are addressed from a Christian perspective. Various groups take part in the program, almost 8,000 people altogether. They include local leaders, parish workers, and young people. But all this costs money.  

Father Sagor Corraya is asking for our help. He writes, “Without your help, it is completely impossible for us to continue our program. This loving support will enable all our people to receive a good formation in the faith. I pray for you all during my daily celebration of the Eucharist.” 

We certainly intend to support this important program, with $2,694 this year. Will you help us?  

Code: 342-08-49

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