Success Story: 19 Pallottine Sisters in Cameroon Supported

The 19 Pallottine nuns working in five different centers in the three dioceses of Doumé Abong-Mbang, Bafoussam and Yaoundé in Cameroon wish to thank you. The majority of these religious are from Poland, but several young African women have now also joined the order; two of them have already taken their temporary vows.

The Pallottine Sisters are devoted to working with children and young people and to caring for people in special need of pastoral support and counseling. They give religious instruction, organize youth groups, run schools and are active in the vocations apostolate. They also visit the sick, the elderly, the lonely and prisoners. At the same time, two of the Sisters work in the spiritual center that the Pallottine Sisters have established at the Pallottine mission in Mvolyé on the southern outskirts of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. Catholics who come here can find spiritual accompaniment, if they so wish, and the opportunity to deepen their own faith.

In 2021, you helped the Sisters with a contribution of $11,000 so that they could continue their precious apostolate. Our warmest thanks also to all of you for your generosity!

Sister Fabiana, the bursar, has written to thank us. “We ask God, who is full of mercy and kindness, to bless our benefactors. We are united with you in prayer!”

Aid to the Church in Need commits to invest your funds where they will have the greatest impact for the Church that we serve. Funds donated to Aid to the Church in Need’s projects will be used towards the greatest need in our programs to help keep the Faith alive.

Code: 113-05-39

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