Nigeria: Kidnapped priest and seminarian released

In Nigeria, 13 clergymen have been kidnapped since the start of 2023. Fortunately, all are now free.

A priest and a seminarian who had been kidnapped in the Diocese of Minna in Nigeria were released on August 23rd, after three weeks in captivity.

According to a statement released by the Missionaries of Africa, also known as the White Fathers, “They are both fine, alive, and healthy, despite the trauma endured at the hands of their captors.”

Father Paul Sanogo and Brother Melchior Mahinini, who are, respectively, from Mali and Tanzania, were kidnapped on August 2nd in Niger State, Nigeria. The Missionaries of Africa thanked all those who were involved in freeing the two men, especially the diocesan authorities for providing “the right advice, strategies, and logistical help.”

“We pray for the conversion of those who think that the easiest way to make money is hurting others,” they added.

Nigeria: Kidnapped priest and seminarian released

In Nigeria, kidnapping is widespread and often committed by bandits. Although priests and members of the clergy are not the only victims, 13 of them have been kidnapped in 2023 alone, though they were eventually released. Additionally, two Nigerian priests were killed this year, and three priests who were kidnapped previously are still missing.

The three missing priests are John Bako Shekwolo of the Diocese of Kaduna, Joseph Igweagu of the Diocese of Onitsha, and Christopher Ogide of the Diocese of Umuahia, all in Nigeria. Father Shekwolo was abducted in 2019, followed by Fathers Igweagu and Ogide in 2022. Aid to the Church in Need asks its benefactors to pray for their safe and prompt release.
—Filipe d’Avillez