Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Suffering Church in Ukraine needs care for the soul

Ukraine: ‘most important mission of the Church is to bring God to the people’

“More than anything, the mission of the Church is to bring God to the people and proclaim the truth to them. We should not only give them bread and forget the soul. It is not enough to just do good deeds, we should not cheat the people of the grace necessary for their salvation.”
The suffering Church in Cairo

In Cairo, a Christmas season tinged with sorrow

“He was still alive and, looking me in the eyes, he told me to take care of my younger sister and brother; and he gave me the keys to the church gate and to our apartment. I will always remember his smile right before he died."
First Christmas on the Nineveh Plains

Despite uncertainty, Christians in Iraq, Syria are urged to ‘keep Bethlehem in their hearts’

“Everyone who is helping to rebuild there is investing their personal courage and vision for the future. That is the foundation for rebuilding relations between people.”
The Suffering Church is protected by Jesus

‘Do not fear, I will be with you’—Christmas 2017

"The deep certainty of our faith, that Jesus is with us in a particular manner when our life is most closely conformed to his cross, is the source of an extraordinary strength and confidence, so that those situations that would otherwise have been a source of endless desolation have now been lit up with joy."
Quetta Pakistan, Bishop Victor

Jihadists attack church in Pakistan, but authorities prevent mass killing

“We need your prayers, not just at Christmas time, but all year round because the risk is always there.”
Telleskuf, St. George's Church in Telleskuf

Post-ISIS, the first Catholic Church is re-consecrated on Nineveh Plains

"ISIS thought they could eliminate us, and yet it is ISIS that has disappeared and we have returned to Telleskuf."
rebuilding of Our Lady Queen of Peace homs Syria

In war-torn Homs, Syria, an altar is re-consecrated—a symbol of faithful’s resolve in face of suffering

By Maria Lozano Briefing for our Donors THE RE-CONSECRATION of the altar in the Cathedral of Our Lady Queen of Peace (Dec. 1, 2017) was a new milestone on the journey back to normalcy in Homs, Syria. For three long years, 2011-2014—the city split between rebels and the Syrian regime—it was the setting for some of the fiercest fighting of the civil war. By the time the government took full control of Homs again, the city was left in ruins. In his emotional homily for the occasion, Melkite Patriarch Youssef Absi said, addressing an audience of more than a ...

Young people in Aleppo, Syria bring aid to the city’s needy

“You are the hope of Syria, you are the light in the midst of so much darkness.” The words strike a chord—deep emotion shines in the eyes of these young men and women.

Christian persecution reaches historic levels

“In terms of the numbers of people involved, the gravity of the crimes committed and their impact, it is clear that the persecution of Christians is today worse than at any time in history."

A call for a million children around the world to pray the rosary for peace in Syria

"Is it not significant that God chose children in Fatima to be the recipients of the most momentous peace plan for the new age? The children understood the language of Our Lady and, most importantly, believed her words."
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