A New Chapel for a Village in India 

The parish of Christ the King is in eastern India. The parish is very active, especially in its work with children and young adults. There is ...

A New Chapel for a Village in Peru

The Parish of the Sacred Heart in Peru includes 34 rural communities, scattered along the banks of the Rio Mayo. The village of Los Angeles ...

A Pastoral Center for a Diocese in India 

The Diocese of Diphu lies in the state of Assam in northern India. This is a region of great poverty and home to many indigenous ...

A House for the Capuchin Fathers in Ukraine 

Some time ago, the Capuchin Fathers who have worked in Lviv, Ukraine since 2021 asked us for our help with a major problem. They needed ...

A Church for a Parish in Madagascar 

The parish of Ampangalatsary lies in eastern Madagascar, in a region of rainforest. For many years now, the Catholic faithful here have longed for a ...

Central Heating for a Parish in Belarus

The small town of Saslauje in Belarus is 15 miles north of Minsk, the capital city. The Catholic parish here has about 400 members, and ...

A Retirement Home for Priests in India

Thanks to your help, the Diocese of Jagdalpur in India has at last built a home for its sick and elderly priests. ACN contributed $32,086 ...

The Renovation and Extension of a Chapel in Rwanda

Over the years, the minor seminary in the Diocese of Byumba, founded in Rwanda in 1956 by the Salesian Fathers, had become too small. 150 ...

Sunday Schools for Children in Pakistan

The Holy Spirit Parish is the largest parish in the Archdiocese of Lahore in Pakistan. It includes 67 villages, many of which are far from ...

A Chapel for a Remote Village in Ethiopia

“Our prayers have been heard, and our joy is complete. Our faithful feel at home.” Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, more than 500 ...
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