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Armenia: refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh fight for survival

The flat: everything is clean and tidy but furnished with only the barest necessities and there is no electricity or running water.

Iraq: Ankawa, home of the Christians, comes of age

“The decision to make Ankawa a separate district will, we hope, be an important step forwardfor the future of Christianity in Iraq.”

Ministering to the Roma people in Slovakia: ‘we should be their friends rather than aid workers’

" A new priest comes to the village and, suddenly, Romas are in the church, at the parish house, everywhere. It was not easy."

Franciscan sister held hostage in Mali sends new letter to her family

“She is exhausted physically, very thin, her face burnt brown by the sun and by the climate in the Mali region, but thanks be ...

ACN welcomes ‘Day of Peace’ initiative for the Middle East

"May God heal the wounds of the Middle East! May the Holy Family shield, protect and safeguard the Christians of the Middle East!"

In Mozambique, ‘an experience of the cross’

"I realized just how much, even in poverty, we can help, we can share."
Sister Annie and some of her charges

Syria: ‘please don’t forget us’

The world has begun to forget about Syria and that’s painful.”
Abba Goesh meets with elders

‘God is from every culture, from every clan’

Father Goesh builds a chapel in the wilderness, believing that with time, the feuding clans and tribes will end up praying together.

A missed opportunity for global peace in the time of the pandemic

"Even after the arrival of the pandemic, Nigeria is still at the mercy of sporadic terrorist attacks by Boko Haram, especially in the north-east of ...
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