Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Bishop from Ethiopia: “The people in Tigray have experienced hell” 

Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin tells the international pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need about the human rights violations that occurred from 2020 to 2022, during the devastating war in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray, and particularly the sexual violence against women and girls. Parts of his diocese are ...

Bishops in Venezuela on upcoming elections: “The people know the future is in their hands” 

In a joint statement, the Venezuelan Bishops Conference highlights the crucial role of the people in the elections scheduled for July 28th.  Venezuela is preparing for presidential elections in 2024 and legislative elections in 2025, both occurring in a complex political climate. As the vote on July 28th approaches, the ...

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem: “When the wounds are bleeding, it is not time to speak of politics” 

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, met with a delegation from Aid to the Church in Need on Wednesday, July 17th, and expressed his gratitude for the help received by the Holy Land. The situation in the Holy Land remains drastic, with no prospects of improvement in the ...

Celebration of faith and peace at children’s festival in Belarus

The Catholic Church in Belarus is highly involved in pastoral work with children and young people. Every week, hundreds of children attend catechesis, and every year, many children receive their first Holy Communion. During the Soviet period, the practice of religion was severely restricted, but thanks to the faith that ...

Egypt: “We’ve seen real progress” 

His Beatitude Ibrahim Sidrak, the Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, heads the small Coptic Catholic Church, which has about 300,000 members. In an interview with the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), he shared his thoughts about his country, which has become a refuge for many Christians.   ...

ACN celebrates US legislators for renewed commitment to religious freedom 

A bill approved by the United States Congress will fund efforts to promote religious freedom in countries where it is currently lacking.  The pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) expresses its appreciation for the United States Congress’s decision to renew and deepen its commitment to religious freedom ...

The elections and their consequences for Christians in India 

On June 4th, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), or the Popular Party of India, won its third election, extending Narendra Damodardas Modi’s tenure as leader of the country. What are the consequences of these results for the Christian community? In this interview, Father Pradeep, a Jesuit from the state of ...

Church leaders applaud change to minimum marriage age in Pakistan 

A new amendment to the Christian Marriage Act says that girls and boys under the age of 18 cannot marry. Though only a first step, this could curb cases of abduction and forced marriage for Christian girls in the country.   The Catholic Church in Pakistan applauds a new amendment to ...

Leaders in Nigeria accused of inaction amid food crises and killings

Eight months after hundreds of Christians were massacred on Christmas Eve, and three months after another carnage on Easter Monday, the Nigerian government has failed to keep people safe, according to a priest caring for displaced people. Survivors of massacres by extremists in Nigeria’s Middle Belt “have no trust” in ...

Plans to build more churches in Egypt as religious freedom returns

A decrease in the influence of Islamist extremism in Egypt has made it possible for Christians to rebuild damaged churches and even consider building new ones.   The Egyptian government has lifted restrictions on the construction of churches, allowing the Coptic Catholic community to begin restoring St. George’s Cathedral in Luxor ...
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