Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In the Congo, authorities fail to stem Islamist terror

"They were given the choice between death and conversion to Islam. They were given Muslim names to cement their identity.

Catholics in Ukraine hope for a papal visit

“We are very grateful to the Holy Father for his ongoing support, for his prayers and solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”

Christians are cast aside in Bangladesh

"In the marketplace and in restaurants, separate plates, glasses and cups are reserved for ethnic indigenous peoples; Muslims and Hindus won’t use the same utensils as we do."

In Latin America, dozens of priests are dying of COVID-19

"They fulfilled their mission as ‘Doctors of the Soul,' doing so knowing that, they ran the risk of infecting themselves and, dying.”

In war-torn Ethiopia, Church provides material and spiritual help

'“I don’t have the words to describe their suffering; there is great despair and the people are traumatized,”

A bishop-elect is shot in South Sudan

"South Sudan faces major challenges attributed to civil conflicts, recurring natural disasters such as floods, and economic collapse."

In Syria, a prayer service for two abducted bishops

"This event is sad for all of us. But with the Grace of God and the solidarity of our brothers and sisters, we have hope. God is the almighty and everything is possible by His Grace.”

Africa: ACN helps victims of Islamic fanaticism

Another factor crucial in keeping the faith alive is helping parishes rebuild their churches and the religious infrastructure that has disintegrated under Islamic terrorism.

Catholics in Vietnam fight evictions

“We were accused of fighting against the government, and appropriating public land and dwellings without government permits. The parents of some students were also denounced by teachers at schools."

In Mozambique, lack of hope entices the young to join terrorist ranks

"One of the strong reasons that motivates our young people to allow themselves to be enticed and join the various forms of insurgencyis based on experience of lack of hope in a favorable future."
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